Supplier Relationship Management Charter
Supplier Relationship Management Charter
This Supplier Relationship Management Charter (the Charter) is an 8 page document with instructions on tailoring the document, a document revision record and a document ownership and status page. The document a contents page has 2 main headings and 7 sub headings.
About this Document
This Supplier Relationship Management Charter (the Charter) provides the guidelines for COMPANY and supplier behaviours to be applied when managing Tier 1 and strategic Tier 2 supplier relationships within an organisation.
The success of a relationship is determined by the behaviours of the parties and as such this Charter shall be agreed between the parties following the supplier classification process, prior to kicking off the SRM meetings at the various levels of the COMPANY and supplier organisations.
The charter needs to be set and signed by the most senior level of representation from both organisations with the support of the SRM Lead.
The charter shall be referred to in the event of disputes between the parties, or when evidence of behaviour misaligned with the charter presents itself.
It is essential to implement this Charter for all Tier 1 and strategic Tier 2 supplier relationships and ensure it is readily available to your internal organisation. For more information and recommendations on implementing the Charter, you can contact Promitheia to arrange a one-on-one virtual meeting.
Tailoring this Document
Text highlighted in yellow square brackets, i.e. [text] are input fields for you to complete or select from the options provided in order to be suitable to your specific requirements. Where the square brackets contain [COMPANY], this is for you to replace with your organisation’s name. Where the square brackets contain [SUPPLIER], this is for you to replace with the supplier’s name.
Instructions or helpful information on how to use the document have been provided in blue italics. This text should be deleted prior to finalising the document for use.
Headings are linked to styles which can be customised to your Company colour palette.
This document contains the Promitheia reference number and logo in the footer. You may delete or replace this information at your discretion.
References to other Promitheia documents include the title and document reference number and are indicated with underlined text, i.e., Contracts & Procurement Procedure (XXX-CP-GOV-CPP-000).