Process Deviation Request Form
Process Deviation Request Form
The Process Deviation Request Form is a 4 page document, with instructions on tailoring the document and a document revision record. The document then provides a process deviation request form, which is perfectly customisable for any business. The form provides a space for a business to detail the scope summary, process deviation justification, risk assessment, schedule and a section for approvals and authorising.
A Process Deviation Request Form is used when requesting permission to follow an alternative sourcing process to that which is mandated in the C&P Standard (XXX-CP-STD-CPS-000). In some cases (health & safety, business continuity or production risk) it may be warranted to follow an expedited approach. However, approval must still be sought by obtaining the proper approvals on this form, which will also serve as a record for the business. In general, the C&P Standard discourages the overuse of process deviations. The purpose of this form is to ensure there is a justifiable reason for the deviation, and to keep records of all requested deviations.
Promitheia recommends making this template available to your C&P organisation as it will be prepared by the relevant Sourcing Representative when required.