KPI Presentation (Generic)
KPI Presentation (Generic)
The KPI Presentation (Generic) template is in PowerPoint format, including 10 PowerPoint slides. The KPI Presentation Generic template is used to track, display and report on performance. Using this template, a company can present and report on their KPI’s. The template covers off on purpose, reporting, contents, circulation and lists KPI’s to choose from. There are comments and recommendations provided throughout the template, to give guidance and direction. The template references to other Key Performance Management documents available on the Promitheia website. The template provides sections for a company to fill out their details, including KPI’s, trends, dates and much more. The template also lists who the document should be circulated to and where to implement the reported results. The document provides a summary and a section for a company to detail what improvements they will implement to address performance shortfalls and promote strong performance. This template provides an opportunity to track and report performance and can help to monitor and measure supplier’s performance.
This Generic KPI Presentation (Presentation) sets out the recommended approach to reporting on individual contract performance, as captured within the contract KPIs.
Instructions or helpful information on how to use this document have been provided in blue italics.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to any of our Promitheia Procurement consultants.