Justification for Single Sourcing Form
Justification for Single Sourcing Form
The Justification for Single Sourcing Form) is a 4 page document, with instructions on tailoring the document and a document revision record. The document then sets out the form for Justification for Single Sourcing. The form provides space for a company to fill in their details and includes information such as budget, sourcing representative, contract owner, budget owner, market research and so forth.
This Justification for Single Sourcing Form should be completed and approved in every case where single sourcing is proposed prior to engaging the proposed Contractor. It provides an audit trail for the reasons for single sourcing and holds your organisation’s employees accountable for not engaging in a competitive bid.
For the avoidance of doubt, this Form does not preclude the requirement for completing a Award Recommendation Form (XXX-CP-SOU-ARF-000) prior to awarding a contract or purchase order. This Justification for Single Sourcing Form should be completed, approved and attached to the Sourcing Agreement Recommendation Approval Form.