Contracting Strategy Form
Contracting Strategy Form
The Contracting Strategy is a 7 page document, with instructions on tailoring the document and a document revision record. The document then provides a contracting strategy form, which is perfectly customisable for any business. The form provides a space for a business to detail the scope or work, market information, contracting strategy, other considerations, alternative strategies, contract schedule and duration, risk mitigation and a section for approvals and final approvals.
A well thought out Contracting Strategy provides the structure and processes for running a sourcing exercise and takes into consideration all factors that may impact the success or failure of your project.
This Contracting Strategy Form is a key document as it outlines how you plan to run the sourcing exercise, who will be involved and their responsibilities and how key risks will be managed. It provides an important summary for your stakeholders and demonstrates that key factors such as local content, health & safety, managing performance and risks & mitigation (as applicable to your organisation) have been factored into the sourcing strategy.
Promitheia recommends making this template available to your C&P function. The Sourcing Representative, together the with Contract Owner, will be responsible for preparing this form and obtaining the required approvals, as well as consulting the relevant Functional Managers for input where required.