People have re-evaluated their lives, and made decisions that perhaps before they had put on hold. People have taken decisions to improve their work-life balance - changing careers, starting new ventures and thinking about the future.
Our CEO, Jody Rowe, has reflected on her life and career:
I was told I was nothing
I was told I couldn’t run my own business
I was told I was fat and ugly
I was told people hated me
I was told I was too aggressive
I was told I was stupid
I was a drinker
But I know I am something
I run three businesses
I am assertive
I am smart
I am honest
I am me inside and out
I am lucky to have good family and friends
I am 15 years alcohol free
Resilience and strength come from within.
Being different, standing out, taking a seat at the table, challenging conventional wisdom isn’t always easy but it’s been my path to success - don’t be intimidated.
#pathtosuccess #reflection #businessowner #challengeyourself#resilience #womeninbusiness #empowerment #selfempowerment#careerdevelopment